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Accounts Receivable and Collections


 Issue monthly assessment to all owners, listing recent transactions and total outstanding balance.


 Accept and process all payments from owners.


 Follow-up on delinquent owners, assess late fees to delinquent owners.


 Advise the board when it is appropriate to place a lien against   delinquent owners, and upon Board approval, will process a lien.


 Answer all calls, letters, and emails from owners in regards to their account.


Accounts Payable


 Accept, review and process all invoices.


 Setup and maintain electronic payments for all bills.


 Correspond with vendors regarding invoices.


 New vendors are checked for licensing and insurance requirements.


 Current vendors are periodically checked for licensing and           insurance requirements.


Bank Accounts


 Association’s accounts are reconciled on a monthly basis (or in   accordance with receipt of bank statements) Financial Reporting


 Provide monthly financial report to all board members. The report shall cover all accounts and includes expense detail report and     deposit detail report.


 Provide monthly delinquency report to Treasurer and/or all Board members who request a copy. Budget and Taxes


 Manager prepares and submits to the Board a proposed annual budget, approximately 120 days before the fiscal year end.


 Upon approval of the Board, manager revises and mails the         approved budget to all owners.


 Coordinate annual tax preparation and financial review with the   Association’s CPA.


 Process vendor 1099 forms and submit them to the IRS.               Administrative


 At the request of the board, notices and special mailings will be   prepared and mailed to owners.


 Manage all incoming and outgoing correspondence from owners and service providers.


 Hard copies of all files are maintained and stored. Maintenance


 All maintenance requests are processed and monitored through a work order system.


 Routine requests are forwarded to the appropriate vendor for       handling.


 Non-routine and special requests are forwarded to the Board before proceeding.


 At the request of the Board, obtain a minimum of 3 bids on any large projects. Manager As your business manager, we will supervise your community as follows:


 Maintain consistent correspondence with Board members on any and all matters pertinent to the HOA.


 Act as a liaison between the Board and all other parties.


 Attend Board and Membership meetings at the request of the board.


 Perform site visits weekly and report on any findings.


 Supervise all contracts, including regular service providers, general contractors, utility companies and insurance policies.

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